Client: Koninklijke Wagenborg
Brief: establish a suitable presence during DelfSail
Concept: Koninklijke Wagenborg has been part of Delfzijl for well over a century, and the shipping/transportation company clearly needed an appropriate presence during the regional DelfSail event. And so, Event Station transformed the port’s quayside into a party zone for no less than three days: one for business associates, one for staff and their families, and one for everybody else.
The theme: Sign of Solutions. Three single digits symbolised 111 years of Koninklijke Wagenborg. The event attracted 8350 visitors -8351 if we include the Queen who turned up to christen Wagenborg’s newest high-tech ocean queen.
How happy was Koninklijke Wagenborg? “This third co-operation with Event Station was sealed, as usual, with a handshake rather a sheaf of legalese papers, and as usual the mutual trust proved well-deserved. It will be continued shortly, during our next collaboration.”